A few nights ago I was out in the woods, maybe 5-6 miles from the pavement and no cell. Just as it was getting dark, actually right after I took this pic, a car came banging down the forest service road near my camp. The car was bouncing around quite a bit, its suspension likely blown from one too many washboard runs.

Now when I see a jeep or camper or some other such thing when I am out in the middle of nowhere I think camper and file it away. But this was no camper.

I watched his headlamps bounce around a campsite around 100 yards from mine. Brake lights flashed off and on as he explored the area. For whatever reason he didn’t seem to like that spot so he drove over to the entrance to my spot. He sat there with his motor running and lights on for quite awhile. I sat there in my trailer watching him. After quite some time, he backed up, hung a U-Turn and went back to the spot where he started. After some jockeying around his lights went out. I figured that was that but it did leave me a little unsettled.

I inventoried my usual stash of self defense tools, marine air horn, high intensity strobe light, bear spray and other items of more heft before turning in.

Around two AM I woke and heard something outside. It sounded like someone peeing on the ground? Now I am fully awake and straining my ears. Was that guy parked down the road from me outside my trailer? There is no moon, its dark as ink outside. I sat there for quite some time, listening.

Eventually I drop into a restless sleep.

The next morning I go outside, curious to investigate last nights mystery. There in the area where I heard the peeing were multiple hoof prints. It would seem horses like to pee near Airstream trailers. Who knew ? The guy in the car left around 9 am. Maybe next time he has a tent.